
“…a new humanity will be brought forth from this Christ consciousness in each person.” Tony Campolo


Other religions might call this step “enlightenment” or “consciousness.” The second step in the Christian spiritual journey is one of awakening. We move from simply being open to the possibility of God to now experiencing consciousness of God’s activity and presence in our lives. We also move from simply being aware that God is here to an awareness of God’s deep love for us. Additionally, this awareness of God’s love begins to change us. We are prompted into action. Our state of awareness propels us into a time of wondering and searching for God and for community. We also are confronted with those habits, behaviors and actions that might be holding us back from experiencing a holistic life. We are feeling the pull to change…and be changed.

Centurion Soldier (Matt 8)

Levels for Stage 2:

  • Knowledge of God

    Limited knowledge expected at this time. Perhaps an increase due to interest or exposure to further faith dialogue.

    Baseline: Willingness to admit God exists

  • Spiritual Disciplines

    Very little expected at this stage. May have decided to attempt prayer or another spiritual exercise.

  • Service to Others

    Little expected at this stage. Desire to serve would still be driven mostly by personality and/or environment.

    Frequency: Randomly

  • Church Engagement

    Not expected at this stage. Might have decided to try a worship service in person or online.

  • Witness to Others

    Not expected at this stage.

The “Awareness Stage” found in scripture:

  • My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

    Psalm 27:8

  • And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

    2 Peter 1:4

  • Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.

    Psalm 119:18

Sample Exercises

  • Is there someone in your life that you trust to help you interpret where and how you are encountering the presence of God? Maybe establish a weekly/monthly time for you to share your observations and questions. Or you might find a book or resource you wish to discus together.

  • Don’t be alarmed or disheartened when this stage unveils patterns and behaviors that are not consistent with the Christian life. Instead of dwelling in shame and guilt, consider creating an inventory of which actions seem to bring you closer to God and which create havoc in your conscious. To be clear, eliminating these behaviors will not make God love or accept you any more than God does right now. Instead, we remove destructive habits in order to create conditions whereby we can experience God’s voice and presence more often.

  • In the early stages of faith, it is quite normal to want/need signs from God that will help bolster your belief. We encourage you to start asking God for signs that He is both present and attentive to your life. You are allowed! It is in the Bible.

    *DISCLAIMER WHEN PRAYING FOR SIGNS*: God is not your personal genie. He is the God of the universe. Any signs He chooses to answer will not only be for your benefit, but that of the world. Thus, we wouldn’t encourage you to pray for signs/things that only benefit you. (i.e. Selfish Signs)

Spiritual Diet during
this Stage

  • During this stage, faith is becoming not just an intellectual exercise, but a practical experience too. At this juncture, it is important to be in conversation with another person, preferably a seasoned person of faith. That way, you will have an “interpreter” to help you navigate early spirituality. This person can help answer questions, norm and form unique experiences, and offer wisdom to seekers of the faith.

  • Another aspect of this stage is identifying habits and behaviors that are actually stifling the Spirit’s ability to grow. First, you must be willing to have an honest conversation with yourself about the selfish patterns that might be harming you, others, and a potential relationship with God. Then, you may even bring in another who can listen without judgement and offer alternatives for our destructive habits.

  • At this stage, we encourage you to begin with very simple and basic conversations with God. This might be through a formal prayer practice or informal dialogue with a Higher Being. The hope is that you can begin a relationship with this Person on your own level. Try not to compare your prayer life to others at this time. Engage from precisely where you are right now. We believe in a God who is eager and willing to meet you there.

Trap #2 to avoid:

Spiritual Cynicism

At this stage, it is common for you to question whether any of this faith stuff is real. Is Jesus really who he says he is? Can all of this be true? Why does it matter? And while doubt is normal (even healthy) within a thriving faith, when mixed with cynicism, it can prevent us from further growth in the journey of faith. By only focusing your attention on the questions or problems of faith, cynicism can keep us from moving to a place of true conversion or life change. Moreover, if we only see the negative expressions of Christianity, we will miss out on the positive examples of what people of faith have found and done in the world. When battling this trap, it is important to make sure you can see the whole picture of what faith can offer. (See the story of Pontius Pilate in the Bible)


For more information about this stage of the Christian journey, use the link below!