The Assessment

Carefully curated to measure all aspects of Christian life.

Our Method

We talked to pastors. We met with spiritual directors. We listened to seasoned Christians. We also consulted the ancient teachers and theologians of our faith. They all agreed on these major categories when measuring for holistic faith.

Your assessment results are based on the level of activity in the following areas:

  • Knowledge of God

    Understanding of scripture, theology, and core truths related to Christian faith and life.

  • Spiritual Disciplines

    Engagement with prayer, meditation, journaling and other exercises that lead to spiritual transformation.

  • Service to Others

    Acts of kindness, generosity and selflessness toward their neighbor and local communities.

  • Church Engagement

    Involvement in the sacraments, worshipping life and spiritual formation opportunities within a faith community.

  • Witnessing to Others

    Actively sharing wisdom, truths and personal stories of transformation with others with hopes of making further disciples.

A couple quick reminders…

In order for the assessment to work, remember these two things:

  1. Be sure to answer the questions based on where you are… not where you wish you were. It is tempting to give the “right answer” even if that is not an accurate description of your current knowledge, discipline, and commitment level. This is not a test.

  2. We understand that even taking the assessment feels incredibly risky. What if we learn things we don’t like? What if we aren’t where we want to be? Please know this assessment is not a judgement or critique of your faith. The reality is we ALL have work to do. The only goal here is to help you gain a clearer picture of where you are so that you know what to do in order to get to the depth of faith you’re looking for!


  • Overall, the assessment is 70 questions in length. Each question will measure your current level of activity within a particular category of Christian life (i.e. knowledge of God, spiritual disciplines, etc.). All your answers are tabulated and assigned a particular stage within the Christian journey.

  • After tabulating every answer within each category, you are assigned a stage for each category (i.e. Spiritual Disciplines, Witnessing to Others, etc.). Then, the assessment will average all your stages together so that we can identify your aggregate score. That score is your overall stage of faith.

  • Yes! Not only will you receive your overall stage in faith, but you will also see how you are progressing within each category of Christian life.

    For example, you might be at Stage 3 in your Service to Others, while at a Stage 6 in your Church Engagement. A score like this could grant you an aggregate score of Stage 5. In this instance, the believer should consider using Stage 5 as their baseline, while paying more attention to the categories that are currently lagging behind.

  • On average, it takes participants roughly 15 minutes.

  • Nope! Totally free.